Thursday, March 20, 2008

Snowboarding! and FUN

I have been craving SNOWBOARDING all winter long. We finally went a few weeks ago with Justin's Sister Kara and Her friend Adam. It was really fun fun fun. Except I was super tired like 2 hours into it. But still fun, as stated earlier. Life is good and CRAZY stuff is going down, but loving every bit of it. Life is full of exciting suprises and full of FUN... um, and stuff


Megan Miley and Chris said...

You're pregnant aren't you??? : ) I don't remember if I left a link to my blog or not. So here it is: Check it out if you want! Looks like you guys are having so much fun. I want to go snowboarding so bad, but I am afraid I am going to break something. My friend just broke her back snowboarding and is going to be in the hospital for 3 months. I think I can wait...

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute! When are you moving down here?

Danielle and Fam said...

I wish I could snowboard. We can tell who your favorite sister in law is. Be careful you two cute kids. Come and see us soon!

Ashley said...

Crazy stuff, huh? Like what? What crazy things are going on?

chelsey said...

Sarah. I have not been snowboarding ONCE this year. It's D.E.P.R.E.S.S.I.N.G. And how are those crazy things goin? I've been trying to remember my dreams lately.....nothing too exciting:)