You know you're from Washington when...
-You know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Enumclaw and Issaquah.
-You know all the important seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Raining (Spring), Road Construction (Summer), Deer & Elk Season (Fall)
-You buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones after such a long time.
-You know what "Jo-Jo's" are.-You measure distance in hours.-You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists
.-You get a terrible sunburn on the first really nice day of summer.
-You can't make it two blocks without seeing a Starbucks.
-You can tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Thai food.
-You become frightened by the bright yellow orb in the sky until the 9-1-1 operator tells you it's just the sun.
-You can't imagine living through a tornado or hurricane but you secretly think earthquakes are kind of fun
.-You can endure 100 days of rain and wind but an inch of snow means school cancellations.
-When you cross the mountains into eastern Washington and it feels like you entered a completely different country...
-When you live in a small town and when you try explain where you live, you eventually have to give up saying other larger towns around you and say "Oh, nevermind. Just NEAR Seattle."
-You say 'pop' instead of 'soda.'
-When you think wearing a hooded sweatshirt 11 months a year is normal.
-When you're out of state, people always ask you if everybody's suicidal.
-Smiling and waving at strangers is no biggie.
-Being pale isn't a big deal, because everybody is.
-You know that cow chip is a delicious cookie.
-Whenever someone visits from another state you always start a fight over the fact that we have more stuff started in washington than any other state. (Starbucks, Boeing, Microsoft, Costco, Sea's Best, ect.)
-You eat chinese/japanese/thai food all the time
-You feel a very close connection with British Canadians, as well as the Japanese
-An inch or less of snow means school is cancelled for one day for at least half of the Puget Sound. More then an inch and you're getting some serious time off.
-you notice that you have no accent wut so ever...
-you get mad when people dont use their blinker
-you live "in the woods"
-you can identify 10 different apples by taste and smell only.
-you can smell the rain coming...
-You expect snow for Valentine's Day, not Christmas.
-When you visit another state and it rains...and all the other people around you run and scream while you continue to slowly walk around in your flip flops and shorts
.-You "Do The Puyallup" every year.
-You feel guilty throwing something away that could be recycled.
-You or someone you know works at Boeing or Microsoft
.- Anime and Manga is a pretty BIG thing, and you know of at least 10 different stores that have them.
- You know the difference between "showers followed by rain" and "rain followed by showers".
- The sight of Mt. Rainier is still awe inspiring.
- Your lawn is mostly moss and you don't really care
.- You have learned to assume Christmas will be rainy, not white.
- Your phone book contains a tide table.
- You still can't believe the new Seahawks stadium is open air.
- You use the word "sunbreak" and know what it means.
- You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.
- You never go camping without water proof matches and a poncho.
- You can point to at least 2 volcanoes even if you can't actually see them through the cloud cover.
- You often switch from heat to a/c in your car in the same day.
- You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit under a raincoat.
- You know how to pronounce geoduck and know that it doesn't quack or have feathers.
- You get upset when a store doesn't carry your favorite brand of bottled water.
- You go to work in the dark and come home in the dark even though you only have an 8 hour workday
- You realize no education is required to be a weatherman. Just make it up
.- You know what 'Sodo Mojo' is
- You think summer starts in July and winter in September
- You know you better enjoy the snow the first day it falls before the rain washes it away
- You own a barbeque that has rusted.
- You prefer one mountain range to the other
- When someone honks at you, you think they are trying to say "hi".
That was so funny, did you and Justin take a trip to Western Washington recently?
That's great! You hit it right on the nose. So, how have you been? Are you all ready for that little girl yet?
Maybe I should move to WA since I can relate to a lot of those!!
FUNNY, but you live here now. Soooo you better get one about Utah!
Soooo funny! One of my favorites was the one about camping with water proof matches and a poncho. Haha, SO true! Memories of girl's camp are coming back.
that's so true!! mind if i borrow this??? LOVE IT!!
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